Using Snap Weights to get Lead Core Deeper
By: Mark Romanack Snap Weights are the ideal tool for helping anglers who fish lead core line to fish deeper and also to be effective...

Details of the Fall Crankbait Bite
By: Mark Romanack Mark has lots of reasons to smile here. This sled of a walleye was just landed and over his right shoulder another big...

That Ole Boat
By: Mark Romanack A lightly used fishing boat can provide anglers a “water ready” boat that still offers part of the factory warranty...

What Style of Electric Motor is Right for Your Boat?
By: Mark Romanack Pivot style electric motors such as this Minn Kota Terrova are ideal for deeper V aluminum boats, heavy gauge aluminum...

Presentation Specific Trolling Rods
By: Mark Romanack The new Starfire X trolling rods designed by Jake and Mark Romanack were inspired by countless hours fishing the open...

Tips for Targeting Summer Steelhead
By: Mark Romanack If a big buck steelhead like this doesn’t put a smile on your face, you might to visit your doctor. Arguably the most...

Utility Boats
By: Mark Romanack A utility hull such as this SmokerCraft Sportsman 1866 are often the perfect platform for custom hunting blinds such as...

Boat Seat Suspensions
By: Mark Romanack Smooth Moves Boat Seat Suspensions are affordable, easy to install and they take the pounding out of operating a boat...

The Diving Planer
By: Mark Romanack A trolling boat is going to be set up with a lot of gear including downriggers, planer boards and the always popular...

Fish Preparation
By: Mark Romanack It’s tough to beat fresh fish cooked in the great outdoors. It seems everyone enjoys a fish fry. The secret to...

Hooked on these Hooks
By: Mark Romanack When switching out hooks on crankbaits and plugs, the Trokar TK949 is the author’s absolute “go to” hook. Anglers who...

Salmon Season
By: Mark Romanack Summer time is “salmon season” all across the Great Lakes. Technically speaking there is no official “salmon season”...

Growing Some Boat Launch Manners
By: Mark Romanack The author feels that everyone who uses a public boat launching facility owes it to other fishermen and women to learn...

The Power of Scent
By: Mark Romanack It only takes a few drops of Super Gel to create a natural scent stream in the water that lasts 30-40 minutes before...

The Dreaded Fly Hatch
By: Mark Romanack The Giant Mayfly is a common food source for a wealth of fish species. In this part of the world a specific insect...

What I Know About Hair Jigs
By: Mark Romanack The timeless hair (aka bucktail) jig is a simple but effective way to catch a pile of walleye. Hair jigs (aka...

The Value of Sustainable Resources, My Thoughts, My Opinion
By: Mark Romanack The outdoor experience is priceless to many of us. There are lots of ways to measure the success of the experience. In...

SpinFish for Trout and Salmon
By: Mark Romanack The SpinFish is a unique cut-plug design that allows anglers to stuff the lure with cut bait, scent products or a...

Smallmouth Explosion
By: Mark Romanack Big and beautiful, the smallmouth bass thrives in clear to stained waters all across the Great Lakes region. It’s...

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
By: Mark Romanack Clearly in our path to catch more desirable species we often overlook the fact that catching fish, any fish, is fun and...