Off Shore Tackle makes it easy to rig their boards so multiple boards can be fished per side of the boat without having to clear lines to fight fish or switch out lures. Monofilament or super braid? No problem, the OR12 easily rigs for fishing either line type.
To fully understand how modern anglers rig and use in-line boards like the famous Off Shore Tackle OR12 Side-Planer requires a little history lesson. When first introduced the OR12 was factory equipped with a pair of black medium tension OR14 line releases, one mounted on the tow arm and the other to a split ring mounted at the back of the board.
If the angler didn’t get the fishing line all the way to the back of the OR14 release, the board could pop off the line and float away. Obviously this is an unacceptable situation so anglers like myself started rigging our boards with an OR16 (red) Snap Weight Clip at the tow arm and also on the split ring at the back of the board.
This rigging configuration insures that the board is “pinned” to the line and not going to come off. So long as the fishing line is placed behind the plastic pin in the center of the OR16 rubber pads, the board is not coming off the line.

When using monofilament line, co-polymer lines and also fluorocarbon lines, the OR16 Snap Weight Clip that comes standard on the OR12 Side-Planer is the perfect release. By simply placing the line behind the plastic pin that is positioned between the rubber pinch pads, the board is effectively “pinned” to the line and will not come off regardless of trolling speed or the size of the fish on the line. This rigging method is effective and very easy to operate.
The down side to this rigging method is it requires the angler to reel in the board while it is planing to change out lures and also to land hooked fish. Not only is it rather difficult to reel in the board while it is planing, more importantly this situation mandates clearing inside lines before a fish hooked on an outside line could be fought and landed. This time consuming process worked, but at Off Shore Tackle we knew we could do better.
Another little understood issue associated with fighting a fish while the board is still planing also needs to be addressed. When the board is planing the fish has a solid wall against which to pull from. When fishing short lead lengths a large fish was getting enough leverage to tear free and escape or to even pull the board under water!
A third and more modern rigging method solves all of these problems and allows anglers to stack multiple board lines per side of the boat and avoid the issues associated with clearing lines to fight fish. This rigging method requires installing a heavy tension OR19 (orange) release to the tow arm of the board and an OR16 (red) Snap Weight Clip to the split ring at the back of the board.
This is precisely how all OR12 Side-Planers are factory rigged these days. Getting the most from this rigging configuration requires a short lesson in board rigging methods anyone can master in a matter of minutes.
Most anglers are going to bury the line all the way to the back of the rubber pads on the OR19 release and also behind the pin on the OR16 Snap Weight Clip. Rigged in this manner, the line can be released from the OR19 on the tow arm, but it requires a rather aggressive snap of the rod tip to trip this heavy tension release.
A better method is to simply grab the line near the rod tip with your thumb and forefinger and twist the line around your finger to create a small loop of line with a few twists. Now place the twisted line into the OR19 release leaving about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch of the loop extending outside the release. The line is then placed behind the pin on the OR16 to finish the rigging job.
Known as the “Loop Trick” this rigging savvy allows the board to remain firmly on the line while trolling even at high speeds and in rough water. The instant a fish is hooked, the line can be smoothly released by simply giving the rod tip a little snap. When larger fish are hooked, the struggling fish will in most instances trip the release at the strike.

The monofilament “Loop Trick” makes it easier to trip the line from the tow arm OR19 release when switching out lures or fighting a small fish.
This rigging method works flawlessly because it allows the board to plane when necessary and makes it easier to trip or release the board to switch out lures, fight fish, etc. Even better, once the line is tripped from the tow arm release, the board spins around in the water and is now connected to the line via the OR16 Snap Weight Clip. Because the board is no longer planing, it quickly drops back out of the board formation allowing that line to be retrieved without having to clear other inside board lines!
This rigging method is the envy of the industry and it comes factory standard with every OR12 Side-Planer. When tripping a board to switch out lures or lure colors, trip the board and give it a few seconds to slide towards the back of the boat. This insures that when the board is reeled in, it will have already cleared inside board lines eliminating any issues with board lines tangling.
When it is time to reset a line that was released, simply let the lure out the desired distance, attach the board again as described and let the board float straight out the back of the boat. It helps to not engage the bait clicker on the reel until the board is behind the boat further than the lead length of the board lines it must pass behind. Once the reel is engaged the board will literally swing wide and take it’s place among the other boards already set and fishing.
This simple, but highly effective rigging method allows anglers to fish two, three, four and even five in-line planer boards per side of the boat without having to clear any lines to fight a hooked fish! Even better, to accomplish this slick rigging method requires purchasing no after market items.
It’s important to understand that this rigging method is designed to function with monofilament line, co-polymer lines and also fluorocarbon lines. This rigging method will not function with super lines because the releases are not designed to function with low stretch and super slippery fused and braided line types.
For those who troll with braid the same rigging methodology can be applied by simply replacing the factory OR19 release from the front of the board with a Sam’s Release produced by Silver Horde Tackle Company. This release is a jettison style release that requires wrapping the braid around the jettison before engaging the release.

For anglers who fish super braid lines using the Silver Horde “Sam’s Release” on the tow arm of the OR12 Side-Planer allows the board to be released when clearing lines or fighting fish.
At the back of the board the OR16 Snap Weight Clip is replaced with an Off Shore Tackle OR18 Snapper Clip that is designed as a cam operating clip for holding super lines firmly.

When rigging to fish super braid lines, special after market releases are required. The Off Shore Tackle OR18 Snapper Release is ideal for rigging at the back of the board. This cam operated release can be adjusted so it holds all brands, types and sizes of super lines firmly.
Rigged in this manner an angler fishing braid can trip the line from the Sam’s Release with a little snap of the rod tip. Meanwhile the board remains fixed to the line thanks to the OR18 Snapper at the back of the board.
Not only does this rigging method work for anglers who are tolling with super braids as their main line, it works well for anglers who are using super braid as backing line for their lead core, copper line and weighted steel line set ups.
At Off Shore Tackle fishing isn’t just a business it is a passion. Everyone at OST strives to make their products as good as they can possibly be. Call it good ole fashioned American innovation. The market place is full of other knock off planer boards, but no other company is engaged at the process of making their products function flawlessly. That’s why Off Shore Tackle is Your Leader in Trolling Technology.

No other in-line planer board is more versatile than the OR12 Side Planer. Because this board can be rigged a number of ways, it’s ideal for all sorts of trolling chores. Made in America the OR12 continues to be the board all others are compared to.