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Sport Shows are Relevant

By: Mark Romanack

Both Mark and Jake will be on hand at the Outdoorama and Ultimate Sport Shows coming up in February and March to conduct seminars and also to man the Fishing 411 TV booth. Stop in at the show, take in a seminar or just hang out and visit. See you at the shows.

​In our ultra busy, modern, digital world it seemingly becomes harder and harder to find time even for the basics. When it comes to learning more about fishing, I have to say consumer sport shows may be “old school”, but they sure do a good job of getting the message across.

​I did my first fishing seminar at a consumer sport show back in the late 1980’s. Since that time I’ve visited countless consumer shows all over the country to do thousands of seminars, meet and greet the public and share the good word about fishing.

​Certainly there are lots of ways to share fishing information with the public including printed material, videos, social media, etc., but not much is more powerful that attending a seminar and engaging in a person to person conversation. Every seminar I do is different. I never know who will be in the seminar or what questions those individuals might ask. The process of answering those questions has a profound impact on the direction a seminar goes and ultimately the information that is shared.

​The multi-media seminars we create as part of Fishing 411 TV are designed to educate, but just as importantly they are designed to elicit an open conversation about fishing. I always encourage questions in my seminars. The questions asked are in my opinion the best way to judge the knowledge level and experience of the audience. Just a few minutes into a seminar, I get a good idea how best to proceed with a particular seminar.

Mark and Jake feel strongly that consumer sport shows are an excellent way to network and make every outdoor experience a success.

​Coming up in February and March, both Jake and I will be attending two of Michigan’s biggest and most popular consumer sport shows. The Outdoorama show is February 22-25 at the Suburban Collections Showplace in Novi, Michigan. Arguably the most diverse consumer show in the state, Outdoorama is a family event that showcases fishing, hunting, camping and many other outdoor activities. Outdoorama is teamed with the Cottage and Lakefront Living Show, making this event exciting for men, women and kids of all ages.

​In March, the Ultimate Sport Show in Grand Rapids, Michigan will be hosted at the DeVos Place Convention Center. This is Michigan’s oldest consumer sport show and the most beloved. The USS offers literally something for everyone. Clearly a family event, many visitors attend two or more days at the show because there are so many exhibits and activities going on it’s tough to see everything in just one visit.

​For more information on these consumer shows, visit and click on the Ultimate Sport Show Tour menu. The staff of Fishing 411 TV is proud to be a part of these outstanding shows. We look forward to shaking hands and visiting with everyone face to face, just the way communication was meant to be!

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